Wednesday 6 May 2015

Little Shop of Horrors - rehearsals week 1 (27th Apr - 1st May)

On our first rehearsal for Little Shop, we started work on one of the early numbers in the show 'Skid Row' which in my opinion, is a number that really sets the scene and location of the whole show in its way of explaining that this place is honestly one of the worst places to be in America. It's a song that really explains and describes some of the main characters in the show and gives the absolute purpose to the plot of the show. From my research, I have learnt that Skid Row is an impoverished and down beat area, inhabited by the poor, the homeless, and others considered and forgotten by society; this being the source of Seymour's and Audrey's desire to "get out of Skid Row" and why Seymour later on gives in to the Plant's temptation to keep him fed in exchange for fame and fortune. 
Before staging and dancing it, we sung through it, learning the tune and harmonies. Our teacher (who picked out all the notes on the piano for us) worked very closely with the three vocal narrators (Ronnette, Crystal and Chiffon) of the show - who of which I am one of ('Ron') -  who comment on the play and drive the show forward throughout, with their narration through song and consistent dialogue throughout. Vocal harmonies for this iconic trio are extremely important as it adds to this 1960's type trio, that, when a part of the story, are portrayed as a trio of street urchins that drive the story forward. 
When presented as commentators of the story through their vocals, they are scene as incongruous to the setting within the story, portraying them as abstract with no involvement to the plot. This therefore means that within the numbers they are in and complete, they stick out like saw thumbs and look out of place to the scenery. The three of us, therefore, the majority of the time throughout the number are performing a separate choreography to the rest of the cast. Where i have been with a dance school for over two years now, i found the choreography that our choreographer taught rather easy to pick up and perform, at the basis that where a few people in our class are not dancers at all, the choreography needs to be challenging - it then looking effective and exciting on stage - but able to do for all the cast. 
My target after our first week of rehearsals is to not forget and maintain my particular harmonies in order to portray this iconic vocal trio to its effective essence. 

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