Sunday 17 May 2015

Singin' in the Rain - rehearsals (17th May)

The content of today's rehearsal consisted of singing and dancing 'Broadway Ballet', which is about half way through Act 2. In context - in the scene before it - Cosmo Brown, R.F. Simpson and Roscoe Dexter are brainstorming an idea of a "big production number". The song is presented as a vision of Cosmo's genius and wacky idea of throwing a modern section - allowing a big, attractive and spontaneous dance number - into the picture that Cosmo is pitching to both Simpson and Dexter - providing an essence of imagination to the performance of the number. He tells Dexter to "imagine this.." and goes straight into opening the number by setting the idea with song.
I had trouble with my solo at the start of the song in terms on timing, as i couldnt seem to keep in time with the music. I had listened to the track on the West End recording at home, but i think what threw me off is the music on the rehearsal score we've been using for rehearsal purposes, as the timing was very different causing the music to sound different to me. But after going through it more with Owen (musical director) when we were all singing through the number, eventually i was confident with. After my solo at the start, and after i have joined by ensemble, Don enters the stage and i exit to undergo a quick change into a modern broadway looking costume.
A big part of this number is the choreography - it being the big production number of 'The Dancing Cavelier' - our choreography was working very closely with different groups of the cast. This meant a lot of waiting around for some people, so for me and harry, when we werent being used, we went off and decided to polish our harmonies for 'Fit as a Fiddle' to make sure that we super confident with them.
One thing i do like about what our choreography has done with ' Broadway Ballet', is how different groups of ensemble run on stage for a particualr of the song and recit choreography, as i love it keeps a flow within the number and also it means there is more room for the choreography as there are now less people on stage for the different sections.
The sections that im in, i didnt really have a problem with choreography as i picked it up very easily and was able to recite, along with portraying character strongley.
Overall, i think the number looks very good and will certainly give off that broadway showbiz that the number requires and be shown as very effective and attractive.

A target for me for when we next visit this number i to really focus extending my numbers within sections of choreography, just to make sure that every little detail is there.

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