Friday 8 May 2015

Little Shop of Horrors - rehearsals weeks 2 (4th - 8th May)

On week 2 of rehearsals for Little Shop of Horrors, we focused on staging the opening number of the show 'Little shop of horrors' which is an enjoyable and exciting number that opens and creates the show to follow. Although the song has nothing to do with the story or plot in any way, it's role is to set this overall fun and entertaining atmosphere and to create this animated and colourful feel to the show. The number starts with some of the cast, including myself and the other two girls that complete our trio, starting at the back of the hall to come through the audience and onto the stage when the song starts. As a part of this iconic trio, our vocals and characters lead the song, driving forward the show from the very start, so we went off and learnt our 3 part harmony that we undergo throughout the song. I found this very difficult to pick up at first, but now I am confident with my particular harmony line and am able to maintain it throughout. I am normally very good at picking out harmonies in songs and maintains them but the problem was, is that harmonies encountered upon by this trio are so incredible close to one another - making it very hard to pick the lines out and stick on them, without going into someone else's. When we join the rest of the cast on stage, we start the choreography which was beautifully taught by our choreographer. Again, like with 'Skid Row', I found the dance easy to pick up and perform, keeping character at all times.

Having now set the opening number of the show, we started to go through scenes and dialogue within the show and start staging them. When going through, we liked the idea of the cast never really going off stage and tried desperately to make this happen. We did this by always keeping everyone on through the majority of scenes, portraying their individual characters they play in 'Skid Row (Downtown)' locating in the streets outside the flourist shop - with the exception of some numbers involving cast being inside the shop as other characters. I feel that this is a good way of setting the scene of this downbeat Skid Row and maintain it throughout the show on the account that everyone does not fall out of character and are forever acting.
A target for myself and also a general target for the whole cast , after this week's rehearsals, is to not lose focus when on-stage but not necessarily involved within the scene going on - and to not lose character as it would ruin the illusion of setting the scene and look of this small, broken and impoverished town.

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