Monday 11 May 2015

Singin' in the Rain - rehearsals (10th May)

Yesterday's rehearsals was a very full-on rehearsal at the fact that there was lots to be done and complete. At the start of rehearsals, for the first hour and a half or so, we went the through and polished some  musical numbers of act 1, including Make em' Laugh, All I Do, You Stepped Out of a Dream, and the Finale. While they were polishing that  was not in or needed for, Chloe Hare (Kathy) and I (Cosmo) went with our choreographer for this show to finish staging 'Good Morning' while the rest of the cast, including our lead Harry Francis, were staging and going through one of his numbers, 'You Stepped Out of a Dream'. Now this iconic trio number 'Good Morning' has been finished, the three of us can successfully perform it confidently showing large amounts of our each individual character - now that the choreographer has been set.
After the break, we did a full run through of Act 1 having everything staged in Act 1. It was exciting as it was the first time we saw the show really start to come together with all the different musical numbers that present that enjoyable and MGM musical feel to the production. For a first ever run of act 1, its safe to say that it is so far looking in great shape, with a few improvements to be made and aspects to be tweaked.
Playing Cosmo Brown is still, without a doubt, one of the most challenging roles iv ever played, at the basis that it is so different to not only me, but also to any other character iv ever embarked upon. But along with a lot of outside-of-rehearsals character preperation, and character research and analysis; doing an act 1 run-through really helped and was beneficial in contribution to allowing me to really get into the role and character.
In terms of act 1, my targets for our next run are to try and have my lines, harmonies and routines learnt without any hesitation or doubt. We are also, as a cast, to be given notes on yesterday's run before the next time do a run-through.

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