Sunday 26 April 2015

Singin' in the rain - rehearsals (26th April)

Our rehearsal on the 26th April, Harry (Don Lockwood), Chloe (Kathy Seldon) and i (Cosmo Brown) worked with our choreographer on the son that really brings the trio between these three charactes to life - 'Good Morning'. I was very excited to start working on this number as its a really enjoyable and energetic song that, in context, portrays the start of something new - 'a new dawn, a new day'. In context and purpose, the song follows after the three of them make a decision, thaught up by Cosmo, to turn the 'Dueling Cavelier' into a musical to bring Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont back on top, after their unsuccessful 'talkie'.
Even though i have been attending  dance school for about 2 and half years now, i found the choreography for this song difficult to pick up at first but was able to pick it up and perform it confidently as we learnt more and more. The dance is in the style of Soft-Shoe-Shuffle with that general MGM Musical Theatre style dance that carries out throughout the show. In the film and the West End, this dance is normally presented as a tap between the trio, but our choreographer has changed it to adapt to our abilities of dance.
An element that is vital to this number, and mostly all the numbers in the show, is character, because all is good if dance technique is met successfully, but if character and performance is not portrayed, the number becomes flat and loses that enjoyment and flare - hence why the three of us has been working a lot on making sure our distinctive characters stand out when reciting this routine. 

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