Thursday 24 September 2015

Little Shop of Horrors - rehearsals week 5 (1st - 5th June)

This week, we have been working on the number 'Ya Never Know', which is a number performed in Act 1 when life for Mushnik, Audrey and especially Seymour, and the Mushnik's Skid Row Fourist Shop start to travel uphill with the Audrey II plant suddenly attracting customers, business and fame for the shop, and fame and fortune for Seymour. The song starts with Mushnik (Harry) singing and the rest is predominantly sung by my character, but there are times when I am joined by the ensemble.
The most challenging difficulty I found with working on this number was the fact that obviously my character is traditionally female but due the number of girls we have in our class, the part was changed to a male, and the challenge I found was being able to sing the melody of my parts in the octave of the women on the Broadway recording to keep that soulful and wide-ranged vocal essence to the character. At the beginning of the lesson, our teacher went through some vocal exercises with us so this defiantly warmed up my vocals for it came to me singing my parts in the song. 
I again found the choreography fairly easy to pick up but it, overall, added to the performance and delivery of the number making it comical and attractive. 

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