Thursday 24 September 2015

Little Shop of Horrors - rehearsals week 4 (18th - 22nd May)

This week of rehearsals we worked a number called 'meek shall inherit' which, in context, presents all this fame and fortune for Seymour taken to an extreme to the point where Seymour cannot take it any more and is reassessing his deal with Audrey II. Within the song Seymour is visited by three agents desperate for Seymour to sign contracts for them to take him in with Audrey II. The song is driven forward by the trio (Ronn, Crystal and Chiffon) as they are paid by the three contract agents to bring deliver Seymour to them.
The one difficulty i found with this song is timing. In between the different verses of the song, there are rather small bits of dialogue between the the trio, Seymour and the three agents, therefore this dialogue has to fit right in the time we have before the next verse comes. What makes it alot more difficult, is the fact that within the music, it does not make it clear when the next agent comes in with his verse - there is no clear bump or change in music. So in future when we run this number, the people who have dialogue need to really look and listen to the time we have before the next verse comes in.
Something that i very much like about what we have done with this number is how, on the chorus, the whole rest of the cast join in with the vocals and choreography to further enhance this stress and depression for Seymour creating the implication of a larger amount of audience he has to please - and a larger amount of voices in his head - strongley portraying this fame and fortune taking over his life.

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